Urban Badger Sett Closure in Paignton, Devon


In May 2013, WildlifeCo successfully completed an urban badger sett closure.  Their presence in the neighbourhood was affecting a number of houses by threatening subsidence to property and damage to gardens.

A bait marking programme – where resident badgers at the sett are left food containing coloured beads which pass harmlessly through the badgers’ digestive system and show up in their faeces – was carried out to help us identify the extent of the badgers territory and habitat.

Outlying setts were identified a few hundred metres away in nearby woodland and the licence to close the sett in Paignton was approved.

Work began in early June, a building plot and three gardens were cleared of all vegetation and the entire area was covered in chain link mesh approx  500m2 to prevent any badger re-entry.

One way gates were fitted to six active holes and the sett was monitored for a period of 21 days, including the use of night-vision cameras to capture their behaviour round-the-clock and manage the success of the project.

At the end of our first week on site, the badgers were successfully relocated to the nearby woodland  and re-profiling of the land is scheduled for later this year.

How our finished work was received by the local residents

“This is the first time for many years that we all feel completely satisfied that the badgers in our urban area will not be back.

The badgers have been in residence on this site since before we moved in to our property in 1985.  This was actually affecting four properties and two other surrounding properties where a massive problem of erosion had occurred causing great stress to the home owners. WildlifeCo was involved over the last few months in advising the best action of how we should proceed – once we had a Licence from Natural England in place.

Mike and Bryce of WildlifeCo were excellent and always felt that they were consistent with their deep knowledge of the situation.  They really inspired confidence and know they were genuinely concerned with completing the job properly and promptly. They both did an excellent job of explaining the work involved and we felt comfortable with each step of the process before any work was initiated.

We would certainly recommend WildlifeCo to others having similar wildlife problems. A big THANK YOU!”

Colin and Hazel Felton

“Mike and Bryce did a sterling job of solving the on-going badger problem in our residential area. They demonstrated their skill, knowledge and compassion for wildlife, together with an understanding of the stress which residents were undergoing.

They accomplished the task of closing the sett through initial preliminary research (baiting, latrine observation, tracks and camera recording etc.) and consultation with Natural England and other Professional bodies. At the same time they kept the residents informed throughout the process.

They managed to close the badger sett with minimal disruption, given the steep terrain, difficulties of the site location and the number of gardens involved.

Their diligence, professionalism and their ability to converse with both “professionals” and lay people is commendable”.

Jenny Pankhurst

“A very big thank you to Mike & Bryce of WildlifeCo.

The work undertaken by them to organise and execute the relocation of a number of resident badgers and to then successfully close the large sett on my building plot, has been faultless and managed to a very high standard.

This plot was surrounded by 4 dwellings and was a very difficult undertaking. Mike & Bryce went to great lengths to explain every aspect of the work required throughout the whole procedure. This was done with patience and kindness, for which I am most grateful.

It was a very challenging undertaking on a very difficult, overgrown and steep site. I am delighted with the quality of their work and the finished look of the site. The site is now badger and sett free. What a wonderful day!!

Thank you both once again for all your hard work and for the sense of relief I now feel.

I would recommend you to anyone who experiences similar problems”.

Mrs P Howes