
Badger Exclusion Fencing Loughborough

Badger Exclusion Fencing Loughborough

Badger activity from a badger sett located close to houses was causing a lot of problems, including structural damage to a patio due to sett tunnels which had been dug underneath.

As this was a serious risk to property and individual’s safety, a licence was obtained to carry out a partial sett closure and install badger-proof fencing.

This was carried out successfully by WildlifeCo, who monitored the badger activity during the work. A family of seven badgers were seen on camera and the WildlifeCo team ensured that the animals were not harmed and that all licensing protocols were met.

The gardens are now restored and protected and the badgers are still living in the sett.

Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route

Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route

The Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route is a new 46 kilometre dual carriageway around the city of Aberdeen.

During its build, WildlifeCo were contracted as specialists to manage and oversee the closure of over 100 badger setts. These included 8 main setts.

All exclusions were completed successfully and all animals encountered during the sett destructions were safely caught and released locally. No badgers were encountered during this process.

Sett Closure at St Eadburgha’s Church, Worcestershire

Sett Closure at St Eadburgha’s Church, Worcestershire

On a crowded island like Britain, any wild mammal species, especially one of fairly large size, conflicts in some way with our interests.

The badger is no exception. Attitudes vary as to what action should be taken when these conflicts arise, but today it is increasingly realised that wildlife is a priceless asset which should be conserved, even if this entails slight economic loss or inconvenience. Find out more »

Badger Exclusion and Barrow Restoration Project, World Heritage Site Stonehenge

Badger Exclusion and Barrow Restoration Project, World Heritage Site Stonehenge

A condition survey of the monuments within the Stonehenge World Heritage Site carried out in 2010 identified a significant increase in the number of nationally important archaeological sites being damaged by burrowing animals, particularly badgers. Winterbourne Stoke Down, approximately 2km to the west of Stonehenge, has a number of historically important Bronze Age barrows. Find out more »

Urban Badger Sett Closure in Paignton, Devon


In May 2013, WildlifeCo successfully completed an urban badger sett closure.  Their presence in the neighbourhood was affecting a number of houses by threatening subsidence to property and damage to gardens.

A bait marking programme – where resident badgers at the sett are left food containing coloured beads which pass harmlessly through the badgers’ digestive system and show up in their faeces – was carried out to help us identify the extent of the badgers territory and habitat. Find out more »